I never wanted to start a blog before. I never considered events in my life to be worth noting for public consumption, and I never had a topic that was worthy of constant dissection.
Well, the latter has changed. As I watched my beloved Dallas Mavericks get bounced from the playoffs in the first round for the second straight year, I realized something. That something was this: I need to see the Dallas Mavericks win a championship. I need to see Dirk win a championship.
I am a Red Sox and New York Giants fan, and I saw both of them win within the past year, and that has only whetted my appetite for what I cannot have.
The Giants won a thrilling Super Bowl, and the Red Sox won a second World Series, after four generations of New Englanders lived without seeing won.
The effect of this is twofold, only one of which has any relevance here. I am now consumed with the idea of the Dallas Mavericks winning a championship.
What will follow in this blog are my Mavericks related thoughts, including how me (a native Washington D.C.-er) became so infatuated with the Mavericks, why I love Dirk Nowitzki with every heterosexual (and possibly some homosexual) bone in my body, where I was during the disatrous collapse in the 2006 Finals, and much, much more.
I think it will be good for me. I still can't read those 2006 Finals Boxscores without getting upset, and I can barely stand to look at D-Wade, Shaq, Riles, Baron Davis, Nellie or Stephen Jackson without the rage bubbling to the surface.
That should about do it for this first entry. Stay tuned for much more as I delve into a modern case of tragic fandom, and stay with me as one day, maybe, just maybe, Mark Cuban and co. lead us into the promised land.
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