When speaking to the Arizona Republic about the Bell/Diaw for Richardson trade, Nash said:
"It's tough," Nash said after a big exhale. "While I'll welcome my new teammates with open arms, it's tough when you lose your best friend. It's tough when you lose two of your best buddies. It's tough and it hurts. It's tough."
You whore! After everything you and Dirk have been through!
Was Raja Bell there when you were in Dallas, fresh from Canada and Santa Clara, helping you adjust to the life of an NBA-er?
Is Raja Bell the godfather of your twins?

IS IT??!?!?
IS IT????
You better watch your tongue Nash. Dirk is a better best friend than Raja Bell could ever be.
Unless you have some sort of strange fetish for players that are far past their one-year prime, then you better remember who you're dealing with here.
Dirk is the best friend a man could ever ask for. I would sell my left nut just to meet Dirk, and here you are throwing him out like he's yesterday's incredibly handsome garbage.
Write this down Steve Nash: you are officially on notice.
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