Monday, December 22, 2008
Photos from my trip to the Mavericks-Wizards game
But I did go see the Mavs yesterday, so click here to see the photos and read my witty comments.
Updates coming soon, I promise.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I never get tired of being right
Posted today, Dec. 18, on the website for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram:
It seems the development process of Gerald Green has hit something of a snag. For the first time this season, Green was inactive [against the Raptors], meaning he wasn’t one of the 12 players in uniform.
Green has played a total of eight minutes in the Mavs’ last eight games. He did not play at all in four straight games before logging one minute at the end of Monday’s loss to the Nuggets.
Interesting, especially when I made note of that on Tuesday.Updates coming soon about this week's games.
This blog is supposed to chronicle the combining of the two, assuming it ever happens. But I've spent a lot of pixels writing about the Dallas Mavericks in the few months of this blog's existence, and the topic of championships has been neglected.
Championships, and by extension, champions fascinate me. It is the goal of every single player that steps on the hardwood (or field). So look for more upcoming posts about championships and the champions who win them.
And with any luck, Dirk and the Mavs will join that group sooner rather than later.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
You heard it here first...
Here's what I would like to see from Josh Howard on his return:
Play exactly like J.J. Barea has been playing.
It's not as ludicrous as it sounds. Barea has been incredibly aggressive, only resorting to the jump shot when he has tons of space around him.
There's no way Barea is as athletic as Howard, so there's no reason he can't do the same things. Howard has eight inches on Barea, so he shouldn't have as much trouble scoring in the paint.
Howard also has a better jumper, though Barea might be better with the three-ball.
If Josh Howard can play like Barea, the Mavs will be a real force.
Brilliant stuff when you think about it.And apparently I'm not the only one that thinks so.
According to the Dallas Morning News' MavsBlog:
Josh Howard explained to reporters that he didn't think he'd have a problem fitting in with a team that went 9-2 while he sat out with a sprained ankle. His reasoning: Recent star J.J. Barea and him "bring the same thing to the table."
Howard was referring to their ability to drive to the basket. Never mind the fact that he's eight inches taller than Barea and plays a different position.
Sounds like they got their stuff together over there at the MavsBlog.
Oh, and also here at Dirk is my Homeboy.
Because, you know, I wrote my post on Wednesday, Dec. 10, but the Mavs Blog didn't come out with it Tuesday, Dec. 16.
How about some love?
I love him more than one heterosexual male should ever admit when regarding another heterosexual male.
But I don't think I'm letting my man-love for the Dirkster cloud my judgement when I'm saying that he is being vastly ignored for what he is doing this year.
He is third in the NBA in scoring, only behind D-Wade and LeBron James.
Take Wade out since his team lives and dies by him, and even then, they have lost when he scores 30, 36, 40. He has scored 21, 17, 15 in the last few games, and they have lost to Atlanta, Memphis and Milwaukee by an average of 15 points.
LBJ's average is actually a little lower than his career average, but his team is dominating everyone they meet.
But guess what? All you've been hearing about is the return of Wade, the dominance of James, James in 2010, Kobe becoming less selfish, and the like.
No one is talking about the amazing season Dirk is having. In addition to his scoring being the second-highest it's ever been, his rebounding is the second highest ever, a full RPG above his career average.
Always great from the charity stripe, he's currently at 91.4%, a full percent point than his best season ever.
His percentage from the field is down to the lowest since 04-05, but barely. He is also taking more of the offensive load with Howard being out and Terry coming in off the bench.
The NBA is giving him love, with Dirk being named the Western Conference Player of the Week twice.
But you would never know if you were just reading ESPN. I read the Dallas News Mavericks Blog, and that's the only way I found out.
So please, NBA fans and media alike, give Dirk some love. He's having an incredible season, and while the Mavs can't be called contenders, Dirk is doing more than his part, and if the team comes together, they could be very dangerous.
Gimme some typical!
But that's what the Mavs did last night, with a typical loss to a good team.
It wasn't just the fact that they lost. Hell, I was OK with the Spurs loss. Well, as OK as you can be after a heartbreaker at home, but we'll let that one lie.
No, this one was typical because it featured a classic Mavs model of losing:
- Ice cold start from the field. The Mavs missed their first five shots, and only managed four points in the first four and a half minutes, leading to a 15-point first quarter.
- Conversely, the Nuggets came out swinging. Billups, Anthony, Martin, even DANHTAY FREAKING JONES was throwing down dunks.
- The Mavs make it semi-respectable by halftime, and then make a great third quarter run, eventually tying the game at 65.
The Nuggets have the ball, tied at 65. The crowd is getting into it, Dirk has sunk a few buckets, even George is draining the three-ball.
'Melo misses a jumper, Dirk gets the rebound, and tried to hit George in transition. George isn't paying attention, 'Melo gets the steal.
Now, I knew the Nuggets would hit a three-pointer on this possession. I knew it with every breath in my body.
But the thing about the Mavs is, they like to toy with you. Billups missed a 3-pointer that he makes all the time, and I dared to hope.
Foolish me, Chris Andersen takes a break from blowing lines on the bench (cheap shot, I know, what do you want from me?) and gets the offensive rebound, then finds 'Melo for the three, which were his only points of the quarter.
Dallas stayed close for another three-and-a-half minutes, getting within one, but the deficit turned into three, then five, finally ending the quarter down by four, 75-71.
The Nuggets then proceeded to open up the fourth with a 12-2 run, putting our heroes down for the rest of the game.
Except for, oh, I don't know, a FOUR MINUTE STRETCH where the only points from either team was a pair of free throws from both Nene and Kidd.
Now, this a situation you couldn't have drawn up better.
The Nuggets shot the lights out for most of the game, while Dallas did the opposite. If you can hold them to two points in a four-minute stretch, then you should be able to close the distance, especially if you are holding onto championship aspirations.
But the Mavs churned out:
- 2 turnovers
- Four missed shots (two threes, two layups)
- 1 blocked shot
- A partridge in a pear tree (except replace 'partridge' with 'basketball' and 'pear tree' with 'not in the basket')
While it's been fun to see the Mavs go 5-2, Antoine Wright, Gerald Green, James Singleton, and Shawne Williams, all of whom have looked promising, haven't been getting minutes.
Here's their minute counts for the 7-game homestand:
- Gerald Green: 8
- James Singleton: 2
- Shawne Williams: 79 (played 4 games)
- Antoine Wright: 36 (played 2 games)
These are all young guys (at 27, Singleton is the oldest, the next oldest is 23) who need minutes to develop into players.
Youth is supposed to be something the Mavs are pushing, especially since Dirk just hit 30 and J-Kidd is waging a losing battle with Father Time.
Hopefully Carlisle will learn from what transpired during the homestand. While they went 5-2, they lost to both of the good teams they played.
In fact, the only wins this season that the Mavs have had against good teams were against the Yao-less Rockets, the Manu-less Spurs and the soul-less Suns.
In closing, I leave you with a hilarious quote from Carlisle regarding last night's shooting performance, courtesy of the Dallas Morning News MavsBlog:
"We couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle. When you're not guarding them and not making shots, you're going to suck."
Monday, December 15, 2008
Crisis Averted
It almost ended, right then and there.
I told you about being in the ledge when the Mavs played the Knicks, where I almost changed this site to "Oden is my Homeboy."
I'm not proud of it, but it's the truth.
Luckily, the Dirk and co. pulled it out, and they have been on a tear since then.
I didn't think I could sink any lower.
But I did.
I had to cover a local basketball tournament on Saturday night, the night the Mavs were hosting the worst team in the NBA, the Oklahoma City Thunder.
If the Mavs were any sort of contender, they should have beaten the Thunder by 30, and used the fourth quarter to get Green, Singleton, Williams and others some garbage minutes.
But it was not to be.
I got off work around 9:30, and on my way home, I checked the score on my phone.
I almost drove off the road.
OKC 76- DAL- 65, 5:08 to go in the third quarter.
What went through my mind at that moment? A lot of things:
- The Rick Carlisle experiment had failed.
- The Jason Kidd experiment had failed.
- The Mark Cuban experiment had failed.
- The 7-foot German experiment had failed
I hurried home to watch the game on my League Pass Broadband, and I contemplated what I would do if they lost.
I considered walking into oncoming traffic, but then again, a fine American automobile shouldn't suffer when my corpse shatters its front end just because the Mavericks can't play defense.
Luckily, my thoughts didn't get far. Thanks to the third best game of Dirk's career (scoring wise) the Mavs pulled it out.
But the Mavs' bench, besides Terry, had almost led me to ruin.
Some days, in my darkest nightmares, I see the score at the AAC that night as it could have been: OKC 110, DAL 100.
Then I wake up in a cold sweat, and spend a few minutes getting adjusted to reality, a reality where the Mavs were able to get the win.
The season is about a quarter of the way through, and I'm already in the nightmares stage.
Not a good sign.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Steve Nash, you lying hussy
When speaking to the Arizona Republic about the Bell/Diaw for Richardson trade, Nash said:
"It's tough," Nash said after a big exhale. "While I'll welcome my new teammates with open arms, it's tough when you lose your best friend. It's tough when you lose two of your best buddies. It's tough and it hurts. It's tough."
You whore! After everything you and Dirk have been through!
Was Raja Bell there when you were in Dallas, fresh from Canada and Santa Clara, helping you adjust to the life of an NBA-er?
Is Raja Bell the godfather of your twins?

IS IT??!?!?
IS IT????
You better watch your tongue Nash. Dirk is a better best friend than Raja Bell could ever be.
Unless you have some sort of strange fetish for players that are far past their one-year prime, then you better remember who you're dealing with here.
Dirk is the best friend a man could ever ask for. I would sell my left nut just to meet Dirk, and here you are throwing him out like he's yesterday's incredibly handsome garbage.
Write this down Steve Nash: you are officially on notice.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Spurs
The only Spurs game I have seen this year was the tail end of the Spurs-Heat game that was right before the Mavs-Nuggs game. I was rooting for the Heat, for the only time ever, but I wasn't too involved in the game.
I didn't watch the first Mavs-Spurs game, I was still getting my League Pass sorted out, and without Ginobili and Parker, I wasn't too worried about it.
Last night I renewed my hatred for the Spurs.
It's weird how it works. When I'm following Red Sox baseball throughout the heat of July and August, the pinstripes fill me with hate, but the silver and black of the Spurs or the silver and blue of the Dallas Cowboys are far away.
If you are a sports team, almost as important as your favorite team is your archenemy. The team that, for brief moments, you swear to the sports gods that you will trade away your own team's success just to make sure that the hated enemy will never win.
In basketball, that is the Spurs.
What pisses me off even more is that they are the class of the NBA in every sense of the word. They are well run, well coached, they make all the right personnel decisions. Their superstars are among the classiest in any sport, especially Tim Duncan.
I want the team I hate to be a dirty team (which the Spurs kind of are (Bowen, Oberto)). I want people that otherwise don't care about my enemy to hate them, just because of the disgrace they've brought upon the sport.
And I hate the Spurs.
I hate the wide-eyed look Tim Duncan gets after he's called for a foul, and the similiar look Bruce Bowen gives after doing things that are illegal in ten states.
I hate the way Tony Parker can't seem to find a razor that works, or the way he licks his gigantic lips while dribbling the ball up the court.
I hate that stupid "Heeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-oh!" song that plays in the AT&T Center.
I hate that they can afford to drop players as good as Luis Scola, and don't suffer at all.
I hate the Spurs.
But I do enjoy watching the Spurs-Mavs game. I'm trying to plan a vacation around going to the AAC during a Mavs' homestand, and the Spurs game must be included.
The rest of the sports nation has since lost its' fascination with those games, but they are riveting.
Especially last night.
Well, I should qualify that. Last night would have been great if my internet didn't cost me the chance to miss the last minute of regulation, and the entire first overtime.
But we'll let that pass.
What to take away from last night's loss? A few things:
- The Mavs' ball movement was phenomenal. They completely neutralized the double team. It didn't matter if it was Dirk or Terry that was double teamed, Barea, Bass, or Kidd were there to make the Spurs pay.
- J-Kidd needs some help on the defensive end. Parker fried him, and Paul, Williams, and co. will continue to fry him until he gets some help.
- Dirk is a fade-away machine. Until the fourth quarter anyway. He needs to start taking over close games. When the Mavs played the Lakers, as the game was winding down, Kobe would get the ball and wind down the shot clock, and every single human being watching was thinking, "Kobe is going to drain this shot." And he did. Dirk needs to enter that zone.
All is not lost however. When Jo-Ho gets back, they should be able to hang. And, they're getting reps in, which helps.
Its a long season, and the mavs are bound to get better at pulling these games out.
But still, fuck the Spurs.
Putting Jo-Ho back in the lineup
It's funny how things work. If you had told me that Josh Howard would have one the the best starts of his career, but the Mavs would start 4-7, then he would be hurt while the Mavs go 7-2 in his absence I would have called you crazy.
But that's the situation we find ourselves in.
Now, after a week or so of toying with the idea of Howard playing the Mavericks have come out and said that Jo-Ho will be out indefinitely.
Given the record Dallas has compiled in his absence, I'm not too broken up about that. While I'm a huge Howard fan, I'd rather he get all the way healthy, especially with the Mavs winning without him.
We've all seen (Arenas and Wade) what can happen if an athletic player rushes back too quick.
But unlike Agent Zero, the Mavs will surely benefit from getting their most athletic player back on the floor.
But how exactly? After all, the Mavs have had pretty good success with their three-PG lineup, and that leaves Howard as the odd man out.
So how will Josh Howard fit into the way the Mavs are playing?
First of all, his defense will be crucial. We all saw last night how Kidd/Barea/Terry were decimated by Tony Parker last night, even after he started slow.
In the playoffs, you're going to have Parker, Chris Paul, Deron Williams, an underrated Rafer Alston, as well as people like Fisher and Roy.
Howard should be able to guard those guys. Luckily, there aren't many teams with both a quick, penetrating PG and a long, athletic two-guard.
Kobe has Fisher, who is good, but isn't known for his penetration. The closest thing the Mavs should see is the Alston/McGrady combo, and that depends on McGrady's health.
So if Howard gets put on the other teams best athlete, that leaves Terry or even Barea to go after the person Howard is giving up. I love the way Kidd plays, and I think he plays better defense than ge gets credit for, but I just don't trust him.
So then what happens to the three-PG lineup when Howard returns?
You can't lose Kidd. His ball movement and ability to hit the open shot can't be lost.
It's tough to lose Barea. His heart, defense, speed and ability to penetrate are something that the Mavs have lacked for a while.
It's also tough to lose Terry. While he is a streaky shooter, he is great about hitting the open looks (which he is getting more and more of, thanks to the Mavs' vastly improved ball movement), and he's no slouch on the defensive end.
But you can't sacrifice any more size by taking Bass or Dirk out of there, so gun to my head, I think you have to drop Barea.
I love the way Barea has been playing as of late, but he tends to push things too far, often getting facialed by a forward when he tries to go over him. In a close game against a good team, you can't give away possessions like that.
But the problem is this: The lineup of Kidd, Terry, Howard, Dirk and Bass is nothing new, and it hasn't done all that much.
But it really hasn't been around too much with Carlisle, and not after they've had some time to get familiar with his offense.
The way Dallas is moving the ball now, Howard should be able to get looks. The Spurs game highlighted the ability to get out of the double team, and with Howard in there, the Mavs are way too dangerous to double team.
Here's what I would like to see from Josh Howard on his return:
Play exactly like J.J. Barea has been playing.
It's not as ludicrous as it sounds. Barea has been incredibly aggressive, only resorting to the jump shot when he has tons of space around him.
There's no way Barea is as athletic as Howard, so there's no reason he can't do the same things. Howard has eight inches on Barea, so he shouldn't have as much trouble scoring in the paint.
Howard also has a better jumper, though Barea might be better with the three-ball.
If Josh Howard can play like Barea, the Mavs will be a real force.
In crunch time, you can put out Dirk, Terry, Kidd, Howard and Bass/Damp (depending on the size of the opponents).
That gives you four legit shooters (five if Bass is there), plus an inside presence. You've got speed and passing with Terry and Kidd.
Most importantly, you've got that combo that has helped the Spurs so much: people who can penetrate and kick it out to shooters on the perimeter.
The Spurs bread and butter has been setting up Parker in the halfcourt offense, then when he drives, he can score, give it to a low post threat in Duncan, or kick it out to a perimeter threat like Mason, Ginobili, Bowen, Finley or Bonner.
Now the Mavs have a setup like that. With Barea in at the PG, and Howard at the three, you have two legit guys who can get into the paint. With Damp/Diop/Bass as your low post threat, and Dirk, Terry, George (whose outside shooting is picking up), or Wright in there, those are legit threats.
Sure, Damp/Diop/Bass is no Tim Duncan. Sure, Devin Harris can penetrate better. And you can argue that Ginobili, Bowen and Finley are more lights out than Terry, Dirk and Devean George.
But if the looks are there, good shooters will get them. That's why Jason Terry has had such a resurgence as of late. Due to the Mavs' good ball movements, he has gotten great looks, and he's too good of a shooter not to capitalize on those.
I just hope that Mavs fans aren't using the latest streak as a "We can win with out Howard" platform.
While the Mavs have looked good, they have played some pretty dreadful teams (and barely escaped, mind you), but there's no reason that inserting someone as athletic and talented as Josh Howard in the mix won't push them to another level.
Monday, December 8, 2008
After long years of fandom, I finally have tickets to go see the Mavs in person.
Yes, I've seen them live before, at a preseason game against the Wizards, who happen to be my hometown team.
But Dirk never even got out of his warmups. Although the occasional is now notable, since it was my first experience watching J.J. Barea, who would soon (14 months) emerge out of nowhere to become the baby-faced assassin.
I had tickets to last year's Mavs-Wiz games, it was on MLK day, at one in the afternoon.
But alas, previous travel committments took me to the other side of the country, so I missed it.
But Sunday, Dec. 21, at 6 p.m., I will be eight rows from the Mavericks' bench. EIGHT ROWS!!!
If I get hit by some of Dirk's sweat, I might just spontaneously combust with sheer pleasure.
Of course, I will be wearing my Dirk Nowitzki #14 jersey from the German Olympic team.

Here's how it will all go down, at least in my mind.
Dirk (walking back to the bench after hitting a three-pointer to tie the game with 10 seconds left): Hey, you! Up there, eight rows from our bench! Is that my Olympic jersey from the Fatherland?
Me: Yes it is Dirk, I love you!
Dirk: Well son, that sure is something. Tell you what, I'm gonna hit this game winner for you.
Dirk then steals the inbounds pass, dribbles to the three-point line, and nails the game winner while staring at me.
Dirk: Thanks a lot man. You gave me the lift I need. Tell you what, I could use a strikingly attractive man with a clean, musky odor to sit behind us and inspire me to sink trizzles all day long, you up for the challenge?
Me: Uh.....
Dirk: Don't worry, it pays 1,000 bucks a week, plus you can help me ghost write my biography, and run the official blog for my website. Hey, maybe we'll even shower together once or twice.
....And that's when I wake up, often stuck to my sheets.
Delusions of grandeur aside, I am looking forward to seeing a great game.
Maybe I'll be able to get even closer, seeing as the Wiz might only have five wins at that point.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
A blueprint for Brandon Bass
And as much as I like to watch him play, here's what I would like to see him become:
Amare Stoudemire.
Hold your applause, please.
After watching Bass throw down three of the most vicious dunks I've seen in a long time in the Hawks game, two of which ended up being the difference in the game.
And that got the wheels turning in the ol' noodle.
Why can't Bass be like Amare? That out-of-control freight train that gets feeds from Nash down the middle of the lane, and no force can stop him without fouling him.
Sure, Stoudemire has two inches and about ten pounds on Bass, but that doesn't mean Bass can't get a head of steam and take a pass into a wide open lane.
There's a reason the Mavs got Kidd: his passing. You're telling me that Carlisle can't draw up some plays to clear out the lane, and Kidd can't thread a pass the a streaking Bass, who happens to be great in that same situation?
A little-discussed consequence of settling for jumpers is the lack of fouls for the other team.
If you can get the other team's frontcourt into foul trouble, nothing but good things happen. The starting 4 and 5 get their minutes cut back, which leaves the paint more vulnerable to attack, which in turn leads to higher percentage shots, less turnovers and more points.
During the current stretch of wins, Dallas has done very well getting points in the paint, something they used to struggle to get.
Let's break it down:
J.J. Barea enters the game with Dallas up by 11, 77-88, and 3:55 to go.
Joe Johnson hits two free throws, then Barea is blocked by Pachulia, leading to a Joe Johnson three.
Dallas up by six: 88-82.
Joe Johnson continues to exploit the size mismatch, by hitting another jumper, only Terry's pair of buckets keep Dallas up by ten.
Two turnovers (by Dirk and J.J.) lead to consecutive threes by Bibby and
Johnson. The size mismatch is hurting them. Badly.
Bibby scores again on a runner, bringing the game to two, Dallas up 94-92, all in the span on 36 seconds.
Two steals and two key outlet passes from Kidd to Bass are able to stem the tide, but this should show Carlisle that he needs to find another crunch time lineup against teams like that.
Of all the teams with big, athletic two-guards (Lakers, Bobcats, Hawks, Rockets, Celtics, Cavs, and the Blazers) the Hawks are the second worst behind the Bobcats.
The Mavs only won by two (five if you take away the last minute, uncontested three from Joe Johnson)
The other five are playoff teams, three of which are in the Western Conference.
How do you think a Kidd, JJ, Terry, Dirk and Bass lineup is going to fare against Alston, T-Mac, Artest, Scola and Yao?
Or against Fisher, Kobe, Odom, Gasol and Bynum?
I don't like those odds.
So the Mavs need to get themselves a different crunch time lineup. Sure, it will be different when Howard and Wright are back, but how does the lineup shake out then?
I would guess: Kidd, Terry, Howard, Dirk and Bass, but that presents the same size problems.
If you put Wright in at the two, then you lose Terry's shooting, speed and energy.
At this point neither Mavs center can be counted on to be in good shape foul-wise at the end of the game. Not against a team that drives to the hoop.
I don't have too many concerns about rebounding, Bass makes up in presence what he lacks in size, but with a 7-foot center in there, what's to stop him from backing to the basket and knocking down five-footers all night?
I'm not saying the new lineup (which needs a nickname by the way) doesn't have a place, I think it's a good way to either end the third quarter or start a fourth quarter with some energy.
But they'll need some size if they're to go deep into the playoffs. Either that or be ahead by more than 15 in the closing minutes.
Hawks-Mavs: A litmus test
Tonight should be an interesting case. The Atlanta Hawks are chock full of athletic swingmen, the kind that should easily be able to beat someone like JJ if he's playing the two.
So far (halfway through the 3rd quarter) the ultra-small lineup hasn't come out, but Kidd-JJ and Terry-JJ have been a guard tandem.
One thing that has helped the Mavs in this respect is giving Devean George the start. While he is technically playing the three, he's helping guard people like Joe Johnson and Josh Smith.
The Hawks represent a team that the Mavericks need to be more like, despite the obvious differences in their records over the past few seasons.
They are incredibly athletic and good jump shooters, and they are very good at getting to the line at will. They've caused some foul trouble for both Dirk and George.
J.J. Barea (a recent addition to my fantasy squad, I might add) has provided another bonfire (as opposed to a spark) off of the bench, guiding Dallas to a 15-point lead by scoring 14 in the 3rd quarter.
When Jo-Ho and Wright get back, this could be a very dangerous team.
Friday, December 5, 2008
How DO they do it?
It worked (kind of) against the Lakers, it pulled them out of a hole against the Clips, and it worked against the Suns last night, and I don't get it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the reason Terry wasn't a permanent fixture at the two is because of his lack of size. But somehow putting in a 5'10" guy at the 2, and moving Terry to the three is working.
Now, it won't work against a big two like Tracy McGrady or Kobe, but it will work against most teams.
J.J. Barea is blowing my mind. I picked him up in fantasy last week, and hopefully he will give the Mavs a legit #2 point guard.
The key to winning eight of nine for the Mavs has been: the times without Kidd haven't been a black hole.
Barea looks like he has been learning from both Kidd and Devin Harris, passing well and getting to the basket with ease.
When Howard comes back, it will be interesting to see how the Mavs play it, but all of a sudden the Dallas bench is looking pretty deep, as evidenced when they outscored the vaunted Lakers bench 56-25.
With a presumed starting lineup of (when everyone is healthy):
Here is what the bench is:
- Jason Terry - Outscored the Lakers bench by himself, he is coming on strong and getting good looks to the hoop. Already a great character guy, he's making his minutes count for the first time in a year or so.
- J.J. Barea - The Wild Card. I'm doubtful that he will be as good as he has been for the rest of the season, but he does provide a spark, he's shooting well, getting to the hoop, playing good defense, and performing all around.
- Gerald Green - While his minutes have been cut into, he is still a factor off the bench, and he can provide energy in the late third-quarter, when the stars are resting up for crunch time. I'd still like to see him get more minutes (hopefully in blowouts) where he can get the feel of the Mavs ball movement and defensive schemes, as well as find a niche in the offense.
- James Singleton - He has done pretty well on the boards in his limited time, and even hits a jumper of two.
- Devean George - Shooting very well off the bench, and provides the defense that Barea and Terry lack on a big SG.
- Diop - Slowly getting back to form, and he's actually getting a little aggressive on the offensive glass. I'd like to see him get fed inside more often, since he's got better hands than Damp.
Both alike in dignity
As a Mavericks fan, the Phoenix Suns have always represented a complex set of emotions for me.
I became a Mavs fan while watching Dirk and Nash bloom into the Hall-of-famers they are today.
When the separation happened, I was upset, but I know that the NBA is a business, and I think both sides handled it as well as it could have been handled (besides Dampier getting the money Nash could've gotten, but that's besides the point).
So I started to root for the Suns a little bit. I have always liked Arizona as a state, my parents went to U of A, and my uncle lives outside of Phoenix, so it wasn't exactly a stretch.
I liked watching the Suns, they were never boring, and the tandem of Nash, Marion and Stoudemire never failed to disappoint.
When the Mavs and Suns met in the playoffs, I would of course root for the Mavs, but should the Suns have won, I would have pulled for them.
Then the 2006 NBA Finals came. The series that changed me as a basketball fan forever.
Dirk, who had been the most dominant player in the playoffs, suddenly was overshadowed by D-Wade and the force field that surrounded him.
That's when the bitterness started, and that's when my feelings towards the Suns shifted.
In a way, I take a sick pleasure in their failings, because they echo the Mavs to a T.
Take a look:
- Both teams have an MVP who people say cannot win a championship by themselves.
- Both took a major gamble on a trade in late 2008, the Suns filling a need in the middle, Dallas filling a need at point.
- Both were ousted after five games in the 2008 playoffs, leading to the firing of their coaches, and the end of their respective eras.
Really it's uncanny how these teams are linked.
The Mavs were undone by the calls going against them against the Heat, and the Suns have been undone by so many calls going against them against the Spurs.
The Suns' fatal flaw during their hayday was their lack of commitment on the defensive end.
This led to several things, which eventually led to the end of the seven seconds-or-less era.
When you're team is based around offense and nothing else, players like Amare and Marion get greedy. With a distributor like Nash at the helm, both players wanted to be the person who got the ball from him.
Whether it was Nash feeding it inside to a Stoudemire who was breaking to the rack, or Nash was kicking it out to Marion for a wide open jumper, the system worked.
Except for the two players who always wanted to be the No. 1 option in a high-octane offense.
So they got rid of one of the players, and got Shaq, the antithesis of the running game. After the playoffs, Terry Porter got the job, and he has slowed down the offense, to the point that Nash, usually a great floor general, looks lost for the first time in his career.
Now let's look at the Mavs.
They were never an offensive powerhouse, but they were a complete team. Almost too complete.
You've heard the saying, "A Jack of All Trades is a master of none." That describes the 2005-2007 Dallas Mavericks.
They were good at everything, but not dominant in any aspect of the game.
Jump shots? They could hit them. Getting to the basket? Jet and Stack could do that. Defense? Sure, Terry is quick, and Diop was a good backup center when you needed stops.
But their lack of dominance had a fatal flaw: they couldn't force teams to play their way.
When the Celtics beat a Lakers team that was on paper more talented, it was because they made the Lakers play their game. They made the Lakers play a game where they had to get physical on the boards, devote most of your energy on defense, and the looks on the offensive end would come.
The Spurs are the kings of making people play their way. With Parker, Ginobili and Duncan, they are one of the best halfcourt offenses in the history of the game.
Give Parker the ball, he uses his quickness to get inside. From there, he can kick it out to Manu or Finley, or if the forwards come after him, give it over to Duncan, one of the game's best in the low post. Or, if they keep the point guard on him, Parker would just break to the basket.
And they forced teams to play that way. Teams like the 2007 Cavs, who couldn't play that way, and were swept. Teams like the Suns who thrive on speed to make their offense work.
The Mavericks didn't have a clear identity to shove down teams' throat, so they were forced to adapt. They tried to play small-ball against the Warriors, and look what they got.
They tried to play the iso game in the 2006 Finals, and look what they got.
And now we've come to this. Dallas and Phoenix, Nash and Nowitzki, fighting for a playoff spot.
In the West, the Lakers, Hornets, Rockets and Jazz are in the playoffs. You figure the Spurs will turn it on and be just fine, and the Blazers are young enough to keep up the pace throughout the season.
That's six team. The Nuggets are benefiting immensely from Billups' leadership, so we'll give them a spot.
Now you're down to Dallas and Phoenix. Once again.
Homerism aside, I think the nod goes to Dallas. They are starting to come together without Josh Howard, and when he comes back, he should keep up his hot start.
Phoenix, on the other hand, seems lost. It's easy to skip that when they started 11-5, but four straight losses have the spotlight on them.
While I think Dallas now has a higher ceiling currently than the Suns, I don't necessarily think either one can win a championship in 2009.
And therein lies the rub.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
If loving is Wright, I don't wanna be rong...
Tonight, I watched Antoine Wright become everything that bothers me about this Mavs team. Except the exact opposite.
He was slashing to the hoop. He was only taking jumpers when absolutely necessary, but they weren't overly contested jumpers, he manged to get good looks and hit most of them.
Sure, he could have hit some more free throws. Sure, he was 0-for-5 from three-land. But guess what?
Without him, the Mavs wouldn't be .500. Without him, the Pacers would have shut the Mavs down on the scoreboard just as easily as they did on the boards.
Is this the beginning of Antoine Wright's rise to superstardom? Probably not. But it's a start. More importantly, this changes the spectrum of the Mavericks' lineup, especially when it comes to trades.
If Stackhouse wants to leave, then he might not need to be replaced with another swingman. After all, James Singleton is playing good minutes, Green has been good, and when Howard gets back, that's a pretty good depth at the 2 and 3 spots, especially if Kidd and Terry are on the court at the same time.
That leaves the Mavs room to chase after someone like Chris Kaman, someone who can give them a good interior presence.
A package including Stack and Damp might be appetizing to the Clips.
Other notes on the Mavs/Pacers game:
- Jason Terry is like a magnet. He's either thrilling you with clutch jumpers and drives to the basket, or he's infuriating when those same shots rim out.
- This was the first time in ten games that the Mavs haven't outrebounded their opponent. The Mavs record when they win the Battle of the Boards? 5-5. When they lose the battle of the boards? 2-2. This means that winning on the boards isn't key for the Mavs to win the game, but of course, it helps.
- The Mavs are finally taking that final step in a comeback: taking the lead. They seem to do fine tying the game or getting within a possession, but then it all falls apart. While this is good news, it's going to be much harder to break that barrier against the teams they need to beat to go deep into the playoffs.
We'll see what happens Friday against the Lakers. After a three day layoff, it took the Mavs close to 45 minutes to get into this game, and they won't be able to do that against the Lakers after another three day layoff.
Let's hope Carlisle can find a way to keep the momentum fresh over the holiday to the end of the week.
Don't go too crazy on the turkey, Dirk.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The suns rises for the Mavs
To quote the late, great Harvey Dent, "The night is always darkest just before dawn."
On Sunday night, I was going through the darkest part of the night.
My beloved Mavericks were getting manhandled by the New York Knicks. It wasn't just that Zach Randolph, Quentin Richardson and Chris Duhan were having career games.
It was that nothing was going right for the Mavs. They were missing layups and getting in foul trouble.
Get an offensive rebound? They would turn it over on a pass to halfcourt.
Get a defensive stop? They would follow it by an offensive foul or a brick.
Bring the lead to within four points? The Knicks would bury a three, or get the and-one.
They couldn't get a key stop or a key shot, two things that are essential in close games.
With 2:30 to go in the fourth quarter, I was considering becoming a Portland fan. I couldn't go through 74 more games of this, not to mention the rest of my life.
It was like I was married to the Dallas Mavericks, and the 2006 Finals collapse was like the death of our child.
We had moved on, but we would always be reminded of how close we came. And no matter how deluded I was, the magic could never be recaptured.
The Blazers on the other hand, were a chance for a fresh start. They were young, they gave me thrilling, buzzer beating endings. Brandon Roy's complete skill set seduced me the way a curvy college-aged chick would seduce any man going through a mid-life crisis.
The fact that I am 25, and thinking about mid-life crises should show you how distraught I was.
The amount of times I came oh so close to clicking the red X on the top right hand corner of my computer monitor, forever closing my NBA League pass window, would fill you with shame.
But you know what stopped me? The Red Sox-Devil Rays game five. I didn't want to miss anything.
That's why you watch sports, on the off chance that something that defies logic, defies reason, hell, defies the very laws of physics that govern the physical world in which we occupy, happens.
So that's why, with 2:26 left in the game (or so I thought), when Jamal Crawford assisted Richardson for a jumper to put the Knicks up by seven, I held little hope.
And redemption started not with a bang, but with a whimper. Josh Howard hit a runner and was fouled, making the three-point play.
Then Dirk nailed a 12-footer after a David Lee miss. Then Dallas gets an offensive rebound and Terry ties the game.
The rest, as they say, is history. Dirk turned it on during OT, nailing several jumpers, foul shots and a dagger three-ball.
And suddenly, the sun was rising.
The five-game win streak was over. Dallas finally pulled out out in the clutch. They got the stops, they hit the shots.
Does it mean that the season is saved? Not necessarily. But you've got to start somewhere.
Melodrama aside, let's take a look at some of the positives and negatives from what can only be termed a disappointing start.
The Good
There doesn't seem to be a specific flaw in the Mavericks. Their defense hasn't been as bad as advertised, people like Ben Gordon and Zach Randolph are just hitting their contested shots.
They are finding ways to lose, rather than finding ways to win.
Like a wall that has sprung a leak, every time one gets plugged, another one starts to leak.
But sooner or later, the wall is stronger than before, because most of it has been repaired. Either that, or is just collapses, but for the sake of my sanity and my fandom, let's throw that option out.
Jason Kidd is having a pretty good year. He's hitting open threes, he's running a good halfcourt offense, and he's doing good on the break.
They are also moving the ball pretty well, sometimes their shots aren't falling. Those shots will fall eventually.
I've also been impressed with James Singleton over the last few games. He brings breath of fresh air off the bench, and he's pretty good on the boards.
The Bad
Rick Carlisle is showing signs of Avery.
The beginning of the end for Avery was when he decided to abandon the lineup that won Dallas 67 games in 2007, to matchup with a Warriors team that got into the playoffs on the last day of the season.
Carlisle did the same thing against the Knicks last night. Dampier played four minutes, and Diop didn't play at all.
Why? The Knicks didn't look particularly run-and-gun to me. The Mavs were running pretty good with those two playing normal minutes, and having a Dampier in the game should give the Mavs a big advantage on the boards.
Then we get to the last play of regulation. What did Carlisle call? Oh, I don't know, maybe the Avery special? An iso to Jason Terry that ended with him taking a low-percentage elbow jumper.
With the jump shooters on the Mavs team, as well as the people who can penetrate, why settle for a jumper. Why not give it to Jo-Ho and see if he can get to the line? Or Dirk? Or swing the ball around and give Kidd an open three?
So could this be the start of something beautiful for the Mavs? Probably not, but you never know...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Fatal flaws?
After an incredibly disappointing weekend of Dallas Mavericks basketball, I think I've finally figured out why Dallas has seemed like a doomed team since Game Three of the 2006 Finals.
Before Game Three, the world was Dallas' oyster. They were halfway towards a sweep and an NBA championship, Dirk Nowitzki was playing better than any forward since Larry Bird, and all was right with the world.
So what happened? Was it owner Mark Cuban's arrogance, going on late-night television talking about his soon-to-be-championship? Was it the city of Dallas, already planning their parade route?
I have always been a big believer in karma, especially sports karma, but I don't think that's the reason.
The reason is that Dallas is missing two key ingredients—things that every championship team of recent memory has possessed.
Problem No. 1: Lack of a Dominant Big Man
Did you know that last year's Lakers-Celtics Finals was the first Finals since the Jordan years not to feature Tim Duncan or Shaquille O'Neal? Think about that.
The two best big men of this generation have been in a position to win the Finals every year since 1999. You could argue that Kobe Bryant has been the most dominant guard of this generation, and LeBron James has been and will be the most dominant forward of this generation, but, both have missed the Finals multiple years.
Of course, LeBron is much younger—but just for the sake of argument, hear me out.
The two big men have taken their teams to the Finals, most of the time with one other piece. Tim Duncan was able to team with David Robinson, Manu Ginobili, and Tony Parker. Shaq had Kobe and D-Wade. It could be argued that Wade did more than Shaq, but Shaq was there.
Now, bring this back to the Mavs. They have Dirk, who is a big man in terms of height, but he doesn't play the big man's game. He's a decent rebounder (8.6 per game for his career), but he isn't a dominant low-post player.
He's got a guard's game. He can hit a jumper, a three, and drive to the basket to draw fouls. His skill at the fadeaway shot and the match-up problem his height presents are what have made him the player he is today.
For the past few years, the Mavericks have had Erick Dampier and DeSagana Diop anchoring the frontcourt.
Dampier is not the type of center that is going to win you a championship. I like him, but that's the truth.
He makes the money the Mavericks could have given to Steve Nash. Here's Dampier's basic five-game stat line:
- One or one-and-a-half games where he lights the world on fire, especially since Kidd came to Dallas. He will get offensive boards and tip-ins, three blocks, a steal or two, and a 10-and-10.
- Two games where he will be in foul trouble, like Friday night in Denver. Dampier played a total of 13 minutes against a team with Marcus Camby at center. When he could have been out-muscling Camby, he was riding the pine because he was fouling jump shooters away from the basket.
- One or one-and-a-half games of absolutely pedestrian numbers. He might get seven to nine boards, with none or maybe one off the offensive glass, and he will get five points on one-for-five from the field and three-for-six from the charity stripe.
That's not going to win you a championship—especially over a long playoff run.
Diop is great as a backup center. He provides decent defense (although not much to speak of this year), good rebounding presence, and he can knock down three to five shots a game.
Jamal Magliore had a chance to return to form last year, and I was really hoping he was the last piece of the puzzle. Whether it was former coach Avery Johnson not playing him (3.9 minutes per game) or just general "suckitude" (1.7 ppg, 1.1 rpg), he wasn't the answer.
This year, we have the Damp-Diop combo, except they're two years older than they were during their Finals run, and Diop isn't looking like himself.
So what are the options? The best answer would be Chris Kaman of the LA Clippers. He's friends with Dirk, he hates LA, and he is the most underrated center in the game (possibly because of his bald spot). He plays good defense, he's only 26, plus he's ambidextrous. A Damp-Diop trade for Kaman would be great, especially if the Clips could take Jerry Stackhouse also.
Would I give up Brandon Bass for Kaman? It pains me, but yes. Would I give up Josh Howard for Kaman? Probably not. Would I give up guard Jason Kidd, who's expiring contract might be attractive to the Clips?
Then they could run with Jason Terry at point guard and Gerald Green at shooting guard, which is close to the lineup that took them to the Finals.
Problem No. 2: A Distinct Lack of Clutch
Yeah, I know what you're saying—that's what every one says. But it's true. Besides Dirk, there is no player that can be counted on in the clutch. This leads to double teams on Dirk on key possessions, which in turn lead to one of three things:
- Someone else gets the ball, and turns it over or bricks a shot.
- Dirk is forced to the rack, and gets stripped.
- Dirk gets to the rack, makes the shot, and gets fouled, tying the game with no time left (Game Seven of 2006 Western semifinals only).
There have been way too many possessions late in the game when Dallas is still in it, but they just choke away a golden opportunity.
(If you think Dirk isn't clutch, you don't watch basketball. The aforementioned play in Game Seven in 2006, and the buzzer-beating three-pointer against the Jazz to send the Mavs to the playoffs last year are just two of the most dramatic examples.)
Take the Mavs-Nugs game from Friday night (a liveblog can be found on my blog). The Mavs spent all night clawing their way back into the game—and finally got there, thanks to Green (another article for another day).
With twenty-one seconds left, Kidd gets the and-one off a Brandon Bass block, giving him a chance to tie the game. He bricks the free throw, forcing Dallas to play the foul game.
With seventeen seconds left in the fourth quarter, the Mavs are down two, with the ball and a golden opportunity (since Chauncey Billups missed one of his free throws). For some reason, Bass gets the ball, twenty-five feet from the basket, and immediately has the ball stolen.
It's been the same old thing with these Mavericks, and it's incredibly frustrating. They claw their way back into the game, and it comes down to a few key possessions, which always end up with:
- Someone jacking up a contested three to beat the shot clock.
- A steal, strip, or some other turnover caused my someone who shouldn't have the ball in the first place.
People always harp on the Mavs' "lack of toughness," but it's their clutch performance that is lacking.
I don't know if it's that coach Rick Carlisle hasn't drawn up a play for the situation, or if it's the execution, but it is ridiculous. In playoff basketball, wins come down to who can execute down the stretch.
The Spurs and Lakers do that better than anyone else, and that's why they have seven championships in the last nine years.
And when the Mavs have only one clutch shooter in Dirk, he can easily be negated.
But the Lakers had Kobe, Shaq, and Big Shot Robert Horry—none of whom you want to leave open.
The Spurs have Duncan and Ginobili, and to a lesser extent Michael Finley, none of which you want open on a final possession.
How can this be fixed? I don't know. You can't teach clutch, but it's hard to get clutch. Green might be in the running. Terry, not so much. Kidd, as lights out from three-land as he was on Friday night, shouldn't be trusted in a clutch three-ball situation.
Josh Howard remains a viable solution, but I don't see him hitting a three-ball when needed, and often times only a three-ball will do.
What I can see Jo-Ho-Ho and a Bottle of Rum doing is driving to the rack, but he doesn't have that Tony Parker or D-Wade skill of the bank shot, where he can make the shot after the foul as he's headed to the floor.
I don't know if this provides viable answers to the questions I've asked. But, those are the two flaws that need to be fixed if the Mavericks are to win a championship in the Dirk years.
Friday, November 7, 2008
4th Quarter, Part II
12:51 - Jo-Ho is forced to jack up a contested three with a second left of the shot-clock. What happened to offensive consistency? Oh yeah, his name is Gerald Green, who has 13 points in 10 minutes.
12:55 - Dallas is going small for the last four minutes. Is this because they're trying something different, or because their centers have been in foul trouble all night. Whatever it is, it's working.
12:56 - As much as I love Dirk, he always seems to turn it over on a huge possession. This one leads to a Billups three.
12:57 - Dallas should have the ball, but the refs say the ball didn't go behind the glass. Now Denver gets the ball, up by one. If history is any indicator, they will now hit a dagger three, and the game is done for Dallas.
12:58 - Kidd steals from 'Melo, but Bass throws it away, now time for the dagger. Kidd fouls 'Melo, now he has five.
1:00 - Dallas lineup: Kidd, Terry, Green, Bass, Dirk. Three guards, two forwards. Interesting choice. Let's see how it plays out.
1:02 - Dallas down by one, with the ball, what do you think happens? If you guessed up Terry jacking up a contested three with the shot clock expiring, and Dirk fouling 'Melo on the rebound, you'd be right. You'd think they would convert at least ONE clutch possession.
1:03 - Dallas down by three, they had the ball with a minute to go, settle for an iso and a fade away jumper.
1:04 - Kidd makes the and-one on the fast break! He misses the foul shot. Of course. Nuggets lead by one, 19.9 seconds left, timeout.
1:06 - My heart just skipped a beat, J.J. Barea is walking on the floor. Please tell me he's just foul fodder since Kidd has five.
1:07 - J.J. fouls Billups, only the best free-throw shooter on the team, number two in the NBA last season. He misses the first. If only we can avoid an awful offensive possession...
1:08 - Dallas down 102-104, 17.5 seconds remaining. They haven't done squat on key possession, except jack up awful treys. Can they put something together. They also have two more timeouts. This is where no center could hurt them on a miss.
1:09 - Another choke job. Bass loses the ball, 'Melo heads to the line and makes both.
1:11 - 1.1 seconds left, Terry sinks a three. The first clutch play they've had, and it's not all that clutch.
1:14- .4 seconds left, 'Melo to the line, where he is perfect 12-12. He makes it 14-14. Timeout Dallas.
1:16 - And that's your ballgame. Kidd inbounds to Green, who can't get it off in time. If Dallas pulls off one or two more possessions, the game is theirs. Oh, well.
That's gonna do it for all of us here at Dirk Is My Homeboy, thanks for stopping by.
4th Quarter, Part I
12:30 - Alright, down by only 7. Not insurmountable, but Dallas needs to play all 12 minutes. If Dampier can stay on the court for more than a few minutes, maybe they can establish some interior defense. Although, if he does come back in, he's going to have a bull's-eye on him.
12:32 - The first Gerald Green sighting! Now get Dirk out there.
12:33 - Dallas has yet to take an uncontested shot. Meanwhile, Denver pushes the lead to 10.
12:34 - Kidd hits ANOTHER three, giving him 50% for the night, including four of his last six. Terry hits the J, and the lead is down to 5. All of this with Dirk out.
12:35 - Dirk is in, gets a defensive rebound, and GG throws down a monster dunk to bring the deficit down to three. All is suddenly right with the world.
12:37 - GG hits a three, gets the ball in transition, and hits an and-one jumper! Tie game! Can someone PLEASE tell me why he sat for this long?
12:38 - I'll tell you one thing. As much as I hate D-Wade, I do like his new show commercial, with all the radio broadcasts talking trash about him. Maybe it's the overcoming adversity thing, maybe I just like hearing him slandered, but it's a good commercial.
12:41 - Green hits the foul shot to put the Mavs up by one, his eighth straight point. I wonder if is available?
12:42 - J.R. Smith makes the three-point play. I'm sorry Dirk, I'll never stray again.
12:43 - The Mavs have only gotten two offensive boards since the first half. On the other side, the three ball might be coming back, as Dirk buries one to cut the deficit to one.
12:44 -Jo-Ho comes back in. 6:30 to go, Denver leads 91-88. On the floor, we've got Green, Terry, Kidd, Dirk, and Bass. A good group.
12:45 - Dirk is able to pass out of the double team to GG for a trizzle. Tie game. Steal Mavs, fast break lay-up, Dallas now up by two, 93-91. It's go time.
3rd Quarter, Part II
12:13 - I can't even make an on-balance shot, and Dirk just hit an off-balance jumper to tie it. Did I mention that I love that man?
12:14 - While Dallas has no problem scoring, they are letting the Nugs score at will. If this comes down to who has the last possession, I have absolutely no confidence. The one thing Dallas doesn't want to do is get into one of those 120-point shootouts, because that's the one game the Nuggets can usually win.
12:17 - Jason Kidd is the game's leader in boards. If you are over 6'7", you should be ashamed of yourself.
12:19 - Uh-oh. Denver is finding their jumper, just as Dallas is losing theirs.
12:22 - Denver has their biggest lead of the night, eight points. This looks like the quarter Dallas takes off. Dallas has 18 points in the paint in the first quarter, 8 since then, and they've turned over the ball five times without getting any TOs of their own.
12:24 - When you're on the fast break, wouldn't Gerald Green be a better option than a Stack three from the corner? I went almost twenty minutes without mentioning it, and for that, you should be proud.
12:25 - Dirk is off the floor, so don't expect the Mavs to make any dents in the now ten-point deficit.
12:26 - Kidd hits a long two, to maybe stop the bleeding. Then he hits a three in transition. What is going on here? Dallas down by 7, end of the third quarter.
3rd Quarter, Part I
12:03 - Nowitzki starts out hot, hitting a three, then abusing a banged-up Kevin Martin. If he heats up, it could a a great second half.
12:04 - Did we trade Kidd for another Jason K? Jason Kapono maybe? He hits another three, making Dallas 3-of-3 from beyond the arc in the second half.
12:05 - Best sight of the night? Stack, on the bench, will his blue pullover on.
12:06 - For the first time, I noticed 'Melo's new 'do. He actually looks more respectable, but I think "businesslike" is a stretch.
12:08 - KIDD WITH ANOTHER THREE!!! Dallas up by two, 63-61. If he can do this consistently, this Mavs team could have another weapon. And, to bring me down, Dampier gets his fourth foul, after a mere six minutes in.
12:09 - Kidd brings me back down to earth with an airball. Nene, who leads all scorers with 17, just for hurt and left the court. Tie game, 63-all.
Halftime Thoughts
- I'm very happy with the offensive rebounding. Because of those extra possessions, Dallas leads despite only shooting 34.6% from the floor. Conversely, Denver is only down by one, despite shooting 36.4% form the floor, but 14-for-15 from the line has helped them.
- Terry leads the Mavs with 12 points. I don't mind him starting, but why on earth isn't Gerald Green getting Stack's minutes? Is it because Stack doesn't like riding the pine? Remember Stack, you could be in New Jersey right now. Say the word, and you'll go to Milwaukee for Mikey Redd so fast...
- Speaking of Redd, the Celtics just hosted the Bucks, and the C's take the game from the Redd-less Bucks, 101-89. Call me crazy, but does Redd look like a skinny, black Ron Jeremy. Maybe the shoe shine fumes are getting to me.
- Josh Child-what? The Hawks are undefeated, even though J-Smoove got injured on a dunk, and might miss a few weeks. I still would have traded a package revolving around Stack for him, but I wouldn't have traded Jo-Ho for him. No matter what you read.
- Stack is 1-for-6. That would normally make me more upset, except for two things:
- He has three rebounds, all offensive.
- Billups is 1-for-7 with one assist and one steal in 14 mins
- It's nice to see that Devin Harris dropped 39 on the new-look Pistons. Oh wait, no it's not...
- The Mavs are alternating great help defense with a defense that looks completely lost. If it weren't for poor shooting from the Nugs, they could be in a big hole. Fortunately for the Mavs, the Nuggets aren't exactly famous for consistency.
- Antoine Wright isn't doing crap either. GER-ALD GREEN! GER-ALD GREEN!
- Kidd has looked great. He's hit two threes, has seven rebounds. The problem? All si of his shots have been threes. That's not a bad thing, since they were mostly catch-and-shoot, and he was pretty open, but i would feel much better if he had hit at least one more of those.
2nd Quarter, Part II
11:27 - I would have bet my life that Jason Kidd wouldn't be the one to make the first three, and it would come halfway through the second quarter. And I would be dead by now.
11:29 - Howard makes a catch-and-shoot three that looks as easy as breathing. See? It's not that hard. A Howard jumper follows a Dirk rebound, and Dallas is on a 10-0 run, now leading 42-38. The thing about those jumpers, is the more you make, the more you take, and it doesn't necessarily work in the reverse order.
11:31 - I'm still mind-boggled about that last sentence. I made that up myself. Damn I'm insightful.
11:32 - These new handheld camera Adidas commercials, featuring Duncan, T-Mac, Agent Zero, and others blow. Just saying.
11:34 - You know, without his goatee, Jason Kidd is one ugly dude. His head has the strangest shape. Martin and 'Melo have shredded Dallas on two consecutive possessions, Dallas up by two.
11:35 - Jason Kidd responds with a three. I never thought I would type those words. I take it back, it was called a two.
11:36 - 2:48 left in the first half, Dallas already has 14 offensive boards. Where was that team against the Cavs Monday night?
11:37 - The Mavs have infected the Nuggets with Brickthreeball-itis, and I couldn't be happier about that.
11:38 - For a guy that had cancer a year ago, Nene doesn't seem to be getting too many sympathy calls. He's got two blocking fouls, and he was just fouled on what would have been an and-one.
11:39 - Terry dunks on a fast break. You're telling me if I grow by one inch to Terry's 6'2", I can dunk?
11:40 - Doubling Dirk has cooled him off this quarter. And they just gave Dallas a point for the three Kidd hit five minutes ago.
11:41 - Nothing like a contested three from Terry to end the half. Dallas up by one, 49-48, at the half.
2nd Quarter, Part I
11:14 - Bass and Kleiza are having a nice little rivalry. Bass hits a jumper over him, giving his six points to Kleiza's eight. But Bass also has six rebounds.
11:15 - Antione Wright gets spun around on a hard foul and stays on the ground. Hello? Rick? I think God is telling you to put Gerald Green in.
11:16 - Even is the Mavs lose, it would be worth it if Bass can drive Andersen back to cocaine, which he might do, that's how bad he's abusing him. Too soon?
11:17 - Just saw a trailer for the new Bernie Mac movie, Soul Man. Why can't he just rest in peace? Why do this to him?
11:20 - Dallas looks completely lost without Dirk out there. That's why he's your superstar. FYI: Green is still on the bench, Stack just bricked another one.
11:23 - I thought the NBA got a new marketing theme every year? You're telling me we're in year two of "Where ____ happens"?
11:24 - Dallas is 2-for-11 this quarter, and 0-for-6 from threes for the game. And the Nugs are on an 8-0 run. Their offensive boards are the only thing keeping them in the game.
11:25 - 'Melo misses a dunk, but gets fouled on the putback. Of course he does. Nugs up 38-32 after Anthony sinks two free throws.
1st Quarter, Part II
11:00 - Bass makes a MONSTER putback jam with one hand. Looks like the smallball is going pretty well, if I do say so myself. Now if we can only get Stackhouse out of there...
11:01 - As A write the last sentence, Stack buries a 20-footer.
11:02 - Dirk (how did he not travel) makes his way around a triple-team to bank it in. Hot damn.
11:03 - 8 of Dallas' 9 field goals have been from the paint. Good stat, although it doesn't account for those awful jumpers.
11:04 -Kleiza gives Denver the lead by hitting a three. He wishes he could be Dirk. Stack responds by bricking a three. I'm getting ready to start a chant in my room. GER-ALD GREEN! GER-ALD GREEN!
11:07 - Denver is on another 7-0 run. Bass gets an offensive rebound, gets rejected by the rim, gets his own rebound and puts it in with .5 seconds to go.
11:08 - Denver is up 26-25 at the end of one. According to the announcer, Billups was the star if the first quarter, even though he is 1-for-5, with only a three to his credit. Sure, it's not like Dirk has nine points and four rebounds or anything. Or does he....
1st Quarter, Part I
10:42 - Announcer mentions that Dallas is only getting to the line 21 times a game this season. Not good, especially since you're one of the best teams in the league at free throws. Too many jumpers.
I have a feeling that's going to be the theme of the evening.
10:45 - Denver is in the midst of a 7-2 run. Not the best way to start a game. And Terry just went for another long jumper. Sigh.
Denver is famously bad on D. Why the hell not penetrate?
10:49 - Imagine if Billups and 'Melo had been playing together since 2003? Would the Pistons have won more titles? Or none? How would 'Melo and 'Sheed gotten on? So many questions.
10:50 - Iso for Josh Howard. Wait, you're telling me this isn't 2006?
10:51 - Damp and Diop both have 2 fouls, and we're six minutes in. At least now the Mavs can try my small ball lineup.
10:54 - Tie 12-12. Dirk driving to the hoop. He's fouled........AND GOALTENDING. BAM!! I have feelings for that man more than any heterosexual male should have for another. And you know what? It doesn't bother me to say it.
10:55 - A stop, and Howard drives to the lane, drawing a foul. See Josh? Isn't that much better.
First few possessions for Dallas
Dirk break down defender for 2
Jo-Ho settled for the outside jumper. Shock.
Terry penetrates for 2.
Howard settles for a jumper on a fast break. Another shock.
Jo-Ho is falling in love with his jumper WAY too early. He needs to be penetrating against a Camby-less Nuggets team.
What is this, the Oscar ceremony? Since when do players get on the mic, unless it's them recieving the MVP award at their home arena?
God, I loathe the Nuggets.
From the "I-don't-know-if-it's-a-bad-thing-or-a-good-thing" department, Antonio McDyess was bought out by the Nuggets a mere two hours ago.
I really hope some other team besides the Pistons get him. It would serve them right.
Tonight's starting lineup for your Dallas Mavericks:
Jason Kidd
Jason Terry
Josh Howard
The Dirkster
Erick Dampier
.....and Dallas starts the game on their usual note: winning the tip, then turning it over.
The two teams I hate the most in the NBA playing each other. The only satisfactory result? A nuclear explosion at the AT&T Center, wiping both teams from the face of this earth.
I don't know who to root for, I was rooting for a Spurs comeback, because that would cause the most pain, but I'm happy with another Spurs loss at home.
Really fun fact: The Spurs are now 0-3 at home to start the season for the first time in the history of the franchise. I love it.
And we are live!
Tonight we will watch as the mighty Mavs visit the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colo.
Want to chat live? IM me at AOL screen name: GunslingerTDX. I know it's weird, it's all I could think of because the obvious ones were taken. It should change soon.
So relax, crack open an ice cold one (I know I will), and watch NBA Basketball at it's very best.
I will post every few minutes hopefully, unless it becomes a blowout, in which case I will just shine my work shoes, and then hang myself.
Again, feel free to IM me at GunslingerTDX. Even if you don't want to talk, just IM to let me know you're reading.
Live Blog!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Matchup Hell
You've heard of Small Ball, what about Big Ball? Given the Mavs shortcomings on the boards as of late, this could help them shake things up.
Here's the lineup:
PG - Jason Terry
SG - Josh Howard
SF - Dirk Nowitzki
PF - Brandon Bass
C - Dampier/Diop
While that might seem incredibly short-sighted, given the propensity for young teams to go small, imagine the possibilites.
You've got four dead-eye jump shooters and a traditional center. That's can translate into a halfcourt offense that could be unstoppable, especially when you add Jo-Ho and Bass's ability to muscle on the inside.
You've also got two seven footers, or close to it. If that can't get you a boards advantage, even for the few minutes that you've got it out there, than nothing will.
Now, think about the matchups. Dirk against a 3? Think about that. A seven footer than can kill you from the outside, mid-range, or penetrate against a smaller, but quicker guard. He could force his way to the line 15-20 times a game like that.
Now think of Bass against a PF. He seems to match up well with other quick PFs such as Gasol or Scola. He's much tougher than Gasol, and a Bass/Scola matchup could be real nasty.
Dare I say, nasty as they want to be?
Glorious hip-hop references aside, this is a lineup that can get things done.
I know what you are thinking, this lineup would get shredded by any run-and-gun team. Right?
Wrong. Where does the run-and-gun start? From a defensive rebound or steal. Steals happen, and unless J.J. Barea is in the game, it's usually a product of good defense, which is going to happen, especially if you want to go deep into the playoffs.
But the defensive rebounds into fast breaks? How are you going to pull down boards with two seven footers? With two guys that big, you can keep them on the inside for shots, and they're then in prime position to shine the glass.
Plus, Josh Howard and Bass are great rebounders. Terry has been known to get some rebounds as well, especially if he's fighting for the long ones near the elbow.
The last two lineups I've posted, small ball and big ball, all focus on one thing: playing Dirk out of position. But if you know anything about Dirk's game, you know he can play both the 3 and the 5, so these lineups therefore make sense.
Think about it. And please, somebody send this blog to Rick Carlisle.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Small Ball lineup
PG- Kidd
SG- Terry
SF- Howard
PF- Bass
C- Dirk
For some reason, Carlisle hasn't thrown out Bass and Dirk on the floor very much. I think it would be a great combo.
Bass's athleticism and mid-range jumper can allow him to move away from the rack, while the combination of Dirk and Jo-Ho penetrating/shooting jumpers can help the Mavs get points, which they will need, especially if there D continues to have an on/off switch.
Bass and Howard are the Mavs' toughest guys on the boards. Plus, Kidd has been able to get his share of boards, something which is great from a point guard who is used to moving around the court.
With Dirk, Bass and Jo-Ho in your frontcourt ,you've got three tough rebounders, one over seven feet as well as three lights-out jump shooters.
You also have two and a half guys who can shoot the three-ball (the half is the shaky combo of Howard and Kidd.)
What this lineup gives you is a chance to be quick, lights out, with a little more toughness on the boards than your traditional small-ball team.
Why is small ball important?
Did you see the 2007 Mavs-Warriors series? Avery decided to go small against them when he hadn't gone small all year. The result? Me, ready eat a bullet.
What happens if they start rolling out this lineups against some younger teams? What happens if you can find Gerald Green a spot in a small-ball lineup, maybe instead of Terry?
All of a sudden, you've got an incredibly athletic core of Green, Howard and Bass, surrounded by two hall-of-famers in Dirk and J-Kidd.
Sounds pretty good huh?
The downside? Defense. While Jo-Ho is still not up to being a Kobe-stopper, he is quick, and combine him with Kidd, they could probably do a decent job of stopping a dynamic SG such as Kobe, T-Mac or Brandon Roy.
Besides, smallball isn't necessarily your crunch time lineup, just a way to mix things up when you feel like running.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
If it's broke, fix it
Thing no. 1: The bench. Seriously. If two out of Dirk, J-Kidd or Josh Howard are, the Mavericks are not scoring points. Barea is a turnover machine, Stack couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, Diop is getting abused, and so on. For a team that came into the season priding itself on it's bench, they have no dependable depth, save for Gerald Green, which brings me to my second point.
Thing no. 2: Antone Wright as a starter. Start Gerald Green already! He's provided a great spark off of the bench, and he's got the athleticism to run with Kidd and Josh Howard. Wright on the other hand, is slacking on D, can't make a shot, takes contested threes, can't hit open threes, and gets into foul trouble.
Thing no. 3: The tendency to take quarter(s) off. When they faltered down the stretch against Houston, that's forgivable. When they falter for the second quarter against the T-Wolves, that makes you notice. When you take a half off against the Cavs, including the times when Bron Bron is out of the game, then you've got problems. Dirk and Josh Howard cannot disappear, which they have been doing at key moments.
So what is the good news?
Jason Terry: the JET has been great, making jumpers at a good clip, running when filling in for Kidd, even doing a decent job on D.
Brandon Bass: He's doing good on D off the bench, and his mid-range jumper hasn;t lost a step from last year.
How do we fix it? Simple.
Make this your starting five:
PG- Jason Kidd
SG- Gerald Green
SF- Josh Howard
PF- The Dirkster
C- Erick Dampier
- Jason Terry as a backup PG, Antoine Wright and Stack splitting the other minutes at the 2.
- Small ball lineup of:
PG- Kidd
SG- Terry
SF- Howard
PF- Bass
C- Dirk
- Want to change things up? Put Dirk, Bass, and Dampier/Diop in at the same time. Dirk will create matchup hell with any small forward, and if you play Jo-Ho at the 2, and JET at the point, all of a sudden you've got a sharp shooting group out their, with bangers down low. Not a bad idea when you need to change up the pace.
Tonight: Dallas v. San Antonio, who is struggling out of the gate. We'll see if the Mavs can get their season back on track.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Game 1: Rockets at Mavericks
I' m not gonna lie to you, it felt great.
Dallas Mavericks. American Airlines Center. Home opener. I've been waiting for this day since April 29.
And there was lots to love, despite the loss. There was lots to improve on also. So let's take a look at what we learned.
The Good:
- Josh Howard - Simply a breathtaking performance in the first three quarters. Not only did he start 5-for-5, but he hustled his balls off, including a play when he outfought Yao, T-Mac and Artest for a rebound, his own rebound nonetheless. Not a bad way to come back after a long summer.
- The offense - No longer did it seem like three players on offense looked like they were confused. No longer did they run endless isos and live and die by the jump shot. Dirk, Josh Howard, even Kidd tried to penetrate, and got dividends.
- The Dirkster - Had a dynamite first half before going cold in the second. But he scored from three, he used his patented fade away, he got to the basket, and he got some boards.
- Jason Terry - Besides getting fired up at the beginning, and keeping the crowd fired up, he did a great job filling in for Kidd. It's nice to see players like him and Ginobili that will accept their role, as long as its whats best for the team.
- The smallball lineup - The lineup of Kidd, Terry, Jo-Ho, Bass, and Dirk could really do things. I wrote about that in my blog a few months ago that they should play with putting Dirk at the 5, and obviously Rick Carlisle is a fan of Not that I blame him
The Bad:
- Defense - Not that it's easy to control three All-Stars and potential Hall-of-famers, but they didn't do a great job of stopping the bleeding. Dampier did okay on Yao, but Diop might as well have been holding a red blanket, and just ole-iny Yao to the rack.
- Crunch time - A much publicized weakness of the Mavs of late has been their fourth quarter performance. Sometimes a breakout first quarter can put a team away for good, but not a playoff team like the Rockets. You can't expect to win Jo-Ho only gets one bucket, and Dirk only gets a technical free throw.
- The bench - Besides Jason Terry, the bench did zippy, except blow any lead the starters handed them. With a bench of young guys like Gerald Green and Diop, and vets like Stackhouse, they should be okay, but they didn't show it last night.
- Antoine Wright - After being pretty ineffective last year as a pawn in the Kidd trade, the rumors were that he had busted nuts during camp and the preseason, and earned himself a starter's job. Didn't look like it tonight. Besides shaky defense, a few airballs and some turnovers, his name wasn't called to much.
The Ugly:
Reggie Miller defending Ron Artest, and blatantly ignoring what was put in front of him. Look, I'm a big Artest fan, and I hate the negative publicity that outweighs his amazing skill at most areas of basketball.
But Artest clearly made first contact in that little skirmish between him, Yao and Howard.
If you didn't see it, here's what happened: Jo-Ho gave Yao a hard foul, which is a given in a close division game. Yao did the thing where he looks away from Howard, but walks into him shoulder first, which Howard did a good job by not responding.
Then Artest comes in and give Howard a shove, then he walks to usher Yao away from the whole group.
Do I think Artest should have been given a T? Probably not. But refs call by reputation in this league, for better or worse, and Artest did instigate contact.
What made me mad was that Reggie Miller kept insisting that, "Ron didn't do anything, he just came to help Yao get away."
Marv Albert was respectfully trying to point out how wrong Miller was, but he wouldn't listen to reason. Then, when the replays started pouring in, Miller stayed completely silent while Artest came in and shoved Howard, then as Artest went to Yao, Miller would scream, "See! He didn't do anything except help his teammate."
While I enjoyed the awkwardness of Marv trying to tell Reggie, "Look, you're wrong, and making yourself sound more ignorant by the second," in a professional way, Reggie Miller needs to shut his mouth, especially when confronted with the video.
For more coverage of the Dallas Mavericks, including more poignant insights on what's to come from this team, see my blog.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
That used to be my mantra when discussing the way too successful Gregg Popovich. He coaches my archrivals, and he's damn good at it.
I've always suspected he had a very dry sense of humor. I used to get a kick out of watching him grab Craig Sager's perfectly-matched handkerchief, and wipe his sweaty brow with it.
After last night, I actually kind of like him.
That hack-a-Shaq on the first play of the game is literally the funniest thing I have ever seen in a sports game.
It took balls. Who knows how Shaq would havw reacted. He could have easily punched Michael Finley (which would have been glorious), and started a brawl that ESPN could play in slo-mo for weeks, all the while talking about what a disgrace it is.
Instead he flashed Shaq that hesitant smile and thumbs up, and Shaq had no choice but to laugh right back.
In a world where far too many people take themselves and what they do much too seriously, it was a welcome break.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Today, we spell redemption M-A-V-S
It's almost here....
Can you hear it? The rhythmic thud of the roundball and the squeak of brand-new sneakers on the freshly polished hardwood?
Hoops season is upon us.
For basketball junkies such as myself, it's an exciting time. The Summer Olympics provided a brief respite from the basketball-less desert of the summer, but it was only a taste.
Speaking of Olympic basketball, their is one word that was used for the American men, and will be used for the Dallas Mavericks:
Redemption for the Jason Kidd Trade. Redemption for the Avery Johnson era. Redemption for the loss to the Warriors. Redemption for the loss to the Heat.
It's the theme of the Dallas Mavericks season, and more for reasons than I've stated above.
It's time for Dirk to show people that his MVP wasn't his peak. A Finals MVP will be. It's time for the people that says that Dallas' window has closed to have their eyes opened.
It's time for a one-time All-Star who has a a rough calendar year, with things within and beyond his control, to put himself back at the top of the game.
It's time for high-upside players like Antoine Wright and Gerald Green to make their mark on the NBA, and lend Dallas some much needed youth, swagger, and athleticism.
It's not going to be easy. With Dallas fighting for recognition in their own division, it won't come easy.
But you know what?
That's just how I like it. I've never bee comfortable with being the favorite. For the last few years, the Suns, Spurs and Mavs have entered the season as favorites to represent the West in the Finals.
Now? Seven Seconds or Less is gone, along with Nash and Shaq's youth.
Manu is out for the first few months, and besides signing Roger Mason Jr., the Spurs have done little to combat Father Time.
Instead we've got a Lakers team coming off a finals performance, and hungry for competition.
We've got a Hornets team with another year of experience, and the best playmaker in the game back for another year.
We've got a possibly rejuvenated Ron Artest trying to help the Rockets gets over the first-round hump for the first time in ten years, and for the first time since they've had two legitimate superstars.
You couldn't write it any better.
So what does Dallas have? A new coach, ready to take advantage of his weapons, even if it means relinquishing controls to his players.
Two hall-of-famers, one in the twilight, one in the afternoon, of their respective careers, both of whom want a title to complete their legacy.
Stay tuned for a more complete preview, of both the Mavericks, and the NBA season.
For now? Well, it just feels good to be writing about basketball again.
And it will feel pretty good to watch it again.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
It's almost here...
"Hey faggot, why don't you update your website and stop being such a fucking prick? Love, Mom"
That's just a small example of the mail that has been pouring in as each day goes by without an update. But fear not, As basketball season rapidly approaches, so does my zeal for watching my second favorite German (after Hans Gruber of course) take the hardwood in search of a ring.
Stay tuned for many more updates, including thoughts on the preseason, Rick Carlisle, Josh Howard and much more. Until then...
Monday, August 11, 2008
Olympically Speaking
The Dallas Mavericks have two players competing for gold, and I find myself conflcted when it comes to who to root for come August 17.
That's the day when the U.S. takes on Germany. Dirk v. Kidd. Nazis vs. Manifest Destiny.
But let us take a step back.
The Dirkster represented his country by carrying the flag in the opening ceremonies, the proceeded to lay the smack down on Angola, scoring 23 points, including 3-for-3 from 3.
They've lost since them, but that hasn't stopped me from ordering my brand-new #14 German Olympic Basketball jersey, Dirk's.
I also hope to use these Olympics to see how my blomssoming man love for Ricky Rubio will progress upon seeing him live.
If you haven't heard if Rubio, you will as the 2009 Draft approaches. If Mozart played basketball, he would be Ricky Rubio.
The clips on YouTube that I've seen of him are impressive enough, that I don't think I would complain if Dallas went 0-82 to get the first pick for him.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Now it's a Texas (Bermuda) triangle
At approximately 9:57 p.m. on Tuesday, July 29, 2008, the Western Conference's Southwest division became the most competitive division in the NBA. Ron Artest was traded to to Houston Rockets for Bobby Jackson, a No. 1 draft pick and a player to be named later.
What does this mean? Simply this: a trio of Big Three's triangled around Texas. Duncan/Parker/Ginobili. Dirk/J-Kidd/Josh Howard. Now Yao/McGrady/Artest.
Or how about Paul/West/Peja?
But unlike the other squads, Houston now has a dominant center, and two smothering defensive presences (Artest and Battier). Houston also has two All-Star caliber forwards in Scola and Carl Landry.
They could plug in a homeless man in the Point Guard slot and still win close to 60 games.
While it's good news for Rockets faithful, New Orleans, San Antonio, Dallas and Memphis have got their work cut out for them.
The Rockets could be poised to become the Mavericks of 2005-07. Good at everything. Solid defenders, solid jump-shooters, solid on the offensive glass.
But could they meet the same fate as those Mavericks? They were a Jack of All Trades, but a master of none. They couldn't dominate one aspect of the game, so when teams adapted, they didn't have anything new to throw out.
If anything Houston will make for an interesting case study. Provided they don't get Igoudala, they won't be very relevant at the PG. They will now have to compete with two hall-of-famers (Kidd and Paul) and a rookie who threatens to redefine the position (Mayo).
It should prove once and for all just how important a PG is. Can a team run a decent offense with firepower at every position, but no distributor? Can a big man, a lock down defender and one of the best all-around players in the game duplicate the chemistry and commitment that brought the 2007-08 Celtics the title?
Some things I know for sure:
—If T-Mac can't get out of the first round this year, he should hang up his spikes, he never will.
—Imagine the penetration of Artest and T-Mac with the inside presence of Yao and the outside shooting of Battier. I bet Jeff Van Gundy wishes he could come back and coach.
—Unless Dallas can pick up J-Smoove and San Antonio pulls off a whopper, Houston and New Orleans will be duking it out for the No. 1 or No. 2 seed come April 2009.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Talkin' Trades
Josh Howard seems to be the best trade chip Dallas has to offer right now. His athleticism, as well as his good jumper and penetration ability seems to make for a good fit with a number of teams.
His downside is: his inconsistency could serve to make him a project. At 27, Jo-Ho is a little too old to be taught how to play again.
Ron Artest seems to have a spotlight on him, but the Mavs and Kings are having difficulty deciding what he's worth.
The Mavs offered Brandon Bass and the Stack-attack for Artest. While I hate to lose someone like Bass, I would definitely be on board with this trade.
Artest gives the Mavs some toughness, both emotionally and defensively, which would be a good thing. The Mavs have been missing a lock-down defender who can take the Ginobilis, McGradys, Kobes and others.
Plus he can score, which was starting to be a problem in the last days of Avery's administration. There were times that the halfcourt offense just looked plain uncomfortable.
With Jason Kidd on your team, a stagnant offense shouldn't be an issue.
As much as I like Bass, he plays Dirk's position, and if you move him to the 5, he's too small, and he also plays Jo-Ho's position, so he can't go to the three. And he's almost too good to be Dirk's backup, so I would be willing to trade him for a better fit like Artest.
Then Sacramento countered with a Josh Howard for Ron Artest trade. That's over the line though. As many problems as Josh Howard has had, I don't see any reason that he can't return to All-Star form this year. Especially when he's not running only isos.
I don't think that Artest is worth losing Jo-Ho. With the problems the Mavs have had of late, chemistry is the last thing that needs to be messed with.
So the question becomes, who would you trade Josh Howard for, if at all?
The Dallas Morning News' MavsBlog talks about a Josh-for-Josh trade with the Hawks' Josh Smith.
An intriguing possibility. J-Smoove is younger, an athletic freak, and apparently doesn't want to stay a hawk.
But, with the signing of Gerald Green, we've already got a great athlete. Though it would be interesting to see a lineup of Diop/Dampier, Dirk, Josh Smith, Gerald Green and Jason Kidd.
That lineup has two monster athletes who can penetrate at the 2 and 3, a lights-out shooter who has been known to break an ankle or two at the 4, and the game's best passer at the point.
Given that Green and Smith are both only 22, suddenly a Dallas team that got a lot older with the Kidd trade becomes younger again.
Add that to the cap space created by Kidd's expiring deal next year, and that could put the Mavs in position to go higher as teams like the Spurs inevitably slow down.
But what kind of commitment can Smith offer defensively? The problem with phenomenal athletes like Green and Smith is that they can often seem content with their gifts, and not commit to playing the hard-nosed D that wins titles.
But Smith averages about 3 blocks per game, as well as a steal and a half. If Carlisle can beat some defense into Gerald Green, and with the addition of Diop, all of a sudden the Mavs are no slouches on interior defense.
The only weakness they would have is the same one that plagued them in the Hornets series. A young, quick point guard can beat J-Kidd off the dribble, which can cause the defense to compensate leading to open looks for other players.
Teams like the Hornets, Spurs, Suns, Celtics and now the Clippers can be dangerous if you allow this to happen.
Bottom line: would I trade Jo-Ho for J-Smoove?